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We specialize in the organization and management of tourist and business trips with service tailored to your needs.
Individually planned city tours, cultural tours and ecological excursions to beaches, jungles, rain forests, valleys, volcanoes and national parks. Cruises and sporting activities such as scuba diving, white water rafting, kayaking and fresh and saltwater fishing. Attention of cruise ships.
Organization of incentive trips, events, meetings and conferences as well as excursions all over Costa Rica. Special assistance offered to speakers of foreign languages visiting the country.
Strategic alliances with partners in Central America to offer a wide variety of excursions in six countries of the region.
Participation in trade fairs, conferences and exhibitions in Costa Rica and abroad.
International contacts, arrangements of company visits, investment promotion, development of trade relations, confirmation of appointments and meetings.

The owners and managers of ARMOTOURS have lived and worked in other countries and are sensitive to cultural differences between regions. We are experienced in all aspects of international trip planning and uniquely qualified to organise a successful vacation or business trip for you.

Additional Info

  • Dirección: COSTA RICA
  • Cantón: SAN JOSE
  • Número de Centros de Operación: 1
  • Teléfonos: +506 2257-0202 / +506 2257-2620
  • Fax: +506 2258-0101
  • Fecha Certificación: 19 / 02 / 2024
  • E-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
  • Nivel CST: BÁSICO
  • Provincias: SAN JOSE
  • Tipo de Actividad: Tour Operación con sub contratación

Departamento de Certificaciones y Responsabilidad Social Turística.

©1999-2024 Certificación para la Sostenibilidad Turística (CST)
E-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.Teléfono: +506 2299-5876 / +506 2299-5817  | 
Apartado postal: 777-1000 San José, Costa Rica.